Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Our 3rd Motorbike Trip - The conquer of Mt Kosciuszco

Conquering Mt Kosciusko - Dec 26 – Jan 4th
by Tate Ryan

I was busy planning this motorbike trip from the day I got back from Hong Kong until we left. We managed to pull off a miracle, Two people on one bike, 10 days worth of luggage, a tent and cooking gear. It was one heavy bike. I have never heard of any other bikers attempting such a feet. If they did, they either wouldn’t camp or wouldn’t cook their own food.

We survived 9 days of the trip. Travelled over 1000Kms, Camped every night in a three man tent and cooked our own food.

It was a lot of fun. Hanna looks back on it and says it’s was her best holiday ever. It was tough though and we came home a day early because we were pretty much exhausted. The hardest thing was the cold, and we were travelling through the Australian Alps which didn’t help. The nights were freezing and our tent & sleeping bags were not warm. We had to sleep in all our motorbike gear.

The scenery was beautiful though, the camping was fun, the cooking less so. It would be nice to eat better food. Sometimes we didn’t even eat because we arrived after shops closed etc.

We climbed Australia’s highest peak on New Years Eve. (In our motorcycle clothes) which was an inspirational thing to do. (A three hour hike and it was freezing cold at the peak)

On New Years day we rode to a town and watched a Rodeo, that was interesting, at the campsite, hung out with all the foreign students picking fruit during the holidays.

It was good to be home though. It was so exhausting setting up camp and packing up camp every time we moved, because it would take between 1 – 2 hours to do it. It was very complicated fitting every thing on the bike.

While riding we crashed once in mud. Also got soaked in the rain a few times….

Good memories though. Glad we did it. We were on a tight budget and did the whole 9 day trip for $500 AUD. That included everything – Petrol, camping, food, entry fees, movies etc. We were very proud of ourselves for this effort.

Our 2nd Motorbike Trip - Central Coast

Our 1st Motorbike Trip

(Scroll down for English version)

Oi Gente,

Depois que eu saih da Emirates, a vida ficou mais monotona. Nao tenho muitos lugares para visitar e como a maior parte deste mundo, sou assalariada e trabalho no horario comercial sempre sobre a mesma rotina. UM SACO!!!!

O sonho de viajar trabalhando acabou mas eh claro que o meu sonho de continuar viajando e me aventurando nao.

Ao inves do aviao e um milhao de pessoas desconhecidas, agora o meio de transporte eh uma moto e a companhia de um homem maravilhoso =)

Essa nossa primeira aventura foi para Camberra, capital da Australia, que eu ainda nao conhecia. A viagem foi otima, a paisagem magnifica e bem parecida com o nosso querido Brasil.




Hi guys,

Since I've left Emirates, my options of travelling and taking lots of pictures to share with you have dimished heaps. Now I'm just like everyone else, work every day, from 9 to 5 on a boring office job.

However, my needs to keep exploring this world couldn't stop. So I have changed my style of travelling. Instead of the airplane and thousands of people around, now I have one companion and a


We have done our first trip last weekend to Canberra, the Capital City of Australia. The sight-seeing was beautiful and we had a wonderful time there, on better saying on our way there.

I hope you enjoy the pictures...

Take care

Hanna =)


Oi gente,

Decidi comecar a escrever um blog para ficar mais em contato com amigos e familia, jah que muitas vezes nao sao a pessoa mais rapida e eficiente em responder/escrever emails... Entao por aqui poderao saber mais o que estah acontecendo do outro lado do mundo.

Fui inspirada pela minha amiga Samanta que vem demonstrando certa consistencia em atualizar seu blog, achei que talvez possa seguir seu exemplo. Veremos no que dah.

Ainda nao sei se vou escrever em ingles ou portugues, mesmo porque, como podem ver meu portugues estah cada vez pior, mas isso nao resulta num ingles melhor, entao jah viu neh!
Como a maior parte dos meu amigos no Brasil e no mundo sabem falar ingles e a familia precisa aprimorar mais o uso dessa lingua, acredito que alguns posts serao em ingles, senao a maioria... mas eh claro que se precisarem de traducao, comentem no blog e eu mando um email com as noticias traduzidas...

Bom, como nao tenho noticias atuais para atualizar hoje, vou usar esse tempinho para fazer um retrospectiva, nas aventuras que o Tate e eu fizemos nesses ultimos anos...

Espero que gostem do blog!

Enjoy it!!